Xcel Energy

  • Utilities
5309 West 70th Street
Edina, MN 55439
(800) 895-4999
(612) 573-1724 (fax)
  • About

    Every day, Xcel Energy powers millions of homes, businesses, and communities with energy across parts of eight Western and Midwestern states. Our customers rely on us to be there 24/7 with safe, affordable electricity and natural gas — but we provide much more than that.

    Headquartered in Minneapolis, we are an industry leader in delivering renewable energy and in reducing carbon and other emissions. We are the first major U.S. power company to announce its vision to provide customers 100% carbon-free electricity.

    We constantly work to offer a cleaner energy mix, smarter solutions, and seamless experiences for our customers. We are delivering modern energy leadership and services — everything from electric vehicle charging stations to an extensive portfolio of energy-saving programs and renewable choices.

  • Whom to Contact

    • Michelle Swanson
      Manager, Community Relations, & Economic Development