Hero Home Services

  • Mechanical, Electrical, & Plumbing
  • Heating & Air Conditioning
10900 Hampshire Ave S #120
Bloomington, MN 55438
(612) 688-5439
24/7 live answering and emergency after hours available.
  • About

    Hero Home services offers heating, cooling, plumbing, electrical, drains, venting, duct work, home inspections, Specialized outdoor lighting and so much more! Hero has a passion beyond home services though. We have a passion for serving the people and places within our community. When we have a chance to give back or get involved it provides the opportunity to spread inspiration. From volunteering at local shelters, donating systems to a veteran or sending out holiday cards to brighten someone's holiday, the employees at Hero are so lucky to be able to give back.

    Hero has been a family tradition for over 109 years. Today, Hero has over 150 amazing men and women working with us, and we’ve added Electrical to our expansive service offerings and have expanded our service area to cover the entire Twin Cities Metro, Rochester, Owatonna and surrounding communities.