Hellmuth & Johnson, PLLC

  • Attorneys
8050 West 78th Street
Edina, MN 55439
(952) 941-4005
(952) 941-2337 (fax)
Business Hours:
M - F: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

About Us

Hellmuth & Johnson is a Minnesota top 20 law firm that provides the very highest quality legal representation to businesses, organizations and individuals in numerous jurisdictions, including read more
  • About

    Hellmuth & Johnson is a Minnesota top 20 law firm that provides the very highest quality legal representation to businesses, organizations and individuals in numerous jurisdictions, including Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, California and Iowa.

    Focusing on transactional law, litigation and appeals, our attorneys represent clients in practices ranging from construction, finance, patent, trademark and copyright litigation, business and real estate to estate planning and family law. In each of these areas we have earned a reputation for multidisciplinary excellence, unwavering ethical integrity and singular devotion to those who put their trust in us. These qualities form the foundation of Hellmuth & Johnson, enabling us to fulfill our mission to protect and advance our clients’ interests across the spectrum of their legal needs.

  • Media

  • Whom to Contact

    • Michael D. Klemm
      8050 West 78th Street
      Edina, MN 55439
      Phone: (952) 746-2198
      Fax: (952) 941-2337
  • Directions

    Our firm is located near the northeast corner of highways 169 and 494, less than 12 miles from downtown Shakopee.